22 Weeks Pregnant

22 Weeks Pregnant: Your Baby’s Development

When you are 22 weeks pregnant, your baby’s eyelids are still fused shut, but the eyes themselves are starting to move. Tear ducts are also forming and your baby now has eyebrows — little tufts of fine white hair. He may be furrowing those tiny brows! Your baby is becoming more and more responsive to external stimuli. If you were to have an ultrasound this week and there were to be a loud noise during the scan, you might see your baby react. For example, your baby might pull his arms and legs closer together in response to the sound.

Your baby’s brain is rapidly developing, and nerve endings are forming. By about now your baby has developed a sense of touch, which means he might be experimenting with this new sense by stroking a body part that he happens to reach or sucking his thumb. Your baby is now starting to put on layers of what’s called brown fat, which helps keep him warm.

The Size of the Fetus at 22 Weeks Pregnant

Wondering about the size of your fetus when you are 22 weeks pregnant? He could be about 1 pound and almost 7 1/2 inches long, crown to rump.

Check out this illustration to help you get a sense of what your little one might look like this week:




Mom’s Body at 22 Weeks Pregnant

At 22 weeks, you are about six months pregnant and right in the thick of the second trimester.

As your bump becomes more prominent, you might find that more and more people are able to tell that you’re pregnant, making this new stage in your life seem all the more real for you. As your belly grows, you may struggle with your body image. Some days you may love your pregnant body; other days you may feel uncomfortable with these physical changes and worry that you’ll never look the same again.

Having these kinds of feelings is normal, and it might help to speak to your loved ones or your healthcare provider about what you’re going through. Eating healthily and getting regular exercise may also help you feel better. For more on this, download our pregnancy weight tracker.

22 Weeks Pregnant: Your Symptoms

At 22 weeks pregnant, here are some of the symptoms you may be experiencing:

  • Heartburn. That burning sensation in your throat and chest during pregnancy could be heartburn. Despite the name, heartburn has nothing to do with your heart! Heartburn happens when stomach acids leak into the esophagus. It’s quite common during pregnancy because some hormones relax the valve that usually keeps the acids out. Eating small meals throughout the day, staying upright after eating a meal, and avoiding spicy and fried foods might help. Check with your healthcare provider if you’re struggling with heartburn.

  • Hot flashes. Hormonal changes and a faster metabolism are probably responsible for you feeling hotter and sweatier than normal. The best you can do is to try and stay cool, so wear loose clothes, drink lots of water, and put on the fan or air conditioner.

  • Racing heart. Did you know that your heart is pumping up to 30 to 50 percent more blood now that you’re pregnant? This is actually good news — more oxygen and nutrients are being delivered to your baby via the placenta. For this reason, having a racing heart can be normal during pregnancy. If you also feel short of breath or you feel your heart racing and it stays that way, call your provider ASAP.

  • Pelvic pain. Pregnancy hormones loosen your joints, helping them become more flexible. But this flexibility may be causing you some pain. To help, try not to lift heavy objects and avoid standing for too long. Learn more about hip and pelvic pain.

  • Abdominal pain or cramping. You might experience mild uterine cramps or abdominal pain at 22 weeks pregnant or at another time during this trimester. This could be normal — for example, you could be experiencing Braxton Hicks “practice” contractions, which help your body get ready for labor, or you could be feeling your abdominal muscles and ligaments stretch as your belly grows. However, if the cramping or abdominal pain you feel is severe, or if you’re at all unsure about whether what you’re feeling is normal or not, contact your healthcare provider.


22 Weeks Pregnant: Things to Consider

  • Try some stress-relief methods. It’s normal to worry during pregnancy. However, it’s better for both you and your baby if you try to keep your stress levels under control. Of course, this is easier said than done, but strategies such as cutting back on how many hours you work, delegating tasks to others, exercising regularly, and speaking to someone you trust about your fears and anxieties could really help.

  • Sex during pregnancy is generally safe if you’re having a healthy and normal pregnancy, and when both you and your partner feel up for it. You won’t hurt your baby — the amniotic sac and the muscles of your uterus keep your baby protected. You may find that your sex drive ebbs and flows during pregnancy. Some moms-to-be report an increased desire for sex during this trimester, as their energy levels have now returned after the first stage of pregnancy. Seeing some spots of blood or having mild cramping after sex can be normal, but if you have heavy bleeding or persistent cramping, contact your healthcare provider. If you have pregnancy complications — for example, if you’re at an increased risk of preterm labor — your provider may recommend abstaining from sex during your pregnancy.

  • If you have a few favorite names but you’re struggling to pick, consider throwing a baby naming party – perhaps your loved ones can help you make your mind up.

  • If you have other children, consider how you will let them know about the new arrival and think about how you would like to involve them in your pregnancy. Read our article on preparing the older sibling for a newborn for more on this topic.

  • Start planning your baby’s nursery and think about what changes need to be made to the existing room to make it comfortable for your baby. If your baby will be sharing the space with your toddler, read our article on creating a room for two.

22 Weeks Pregnant: Ask Your Doctor

  • How are you doing with regard to weight gain? If you’re not where you should be for 22 weeks pregnant, what changes should you make to get back on track? 

  • Do you need a flu shot? What should you do if you come down with the flu?

  • What should you do if you come in contact with someone who has chicken pox?

22 Weeks Pregnant: Your Checklist

  • If you now know your little one’s gender and would like to do a big reveal to family and friends, start organizing your gender reveal party. To help you out, check out our ultimate guide to organizing a gender reveal party so that you can host it with ease, and check out these 21 ideas for revealing your baby’s gender

  • With a few months to go until your due date, now is a good time to start thinking about and researching your options for labor and delivery. Consult your healthcare provider and find out what’s available to you. You might like to enquire about pain relief and other comfort measures that might be options for you. 

  • Start to think about who you would like with you during labor and delivery. It could be your partner, a relative, or a friend. Some moms-to-be hire a doula — someone who has received special training in labor support and childbirth. If you would like to hire a doula, then start asking around for referrals — you could ask your healthcare provider or the person who runs your birthing class. Schedule appointments with potential doulas to get to know them a little better, and don’t forget to ask them about their fees, as the cost may not be covered by any insurance you have.

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