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15 Weeks Pregnant
15 Weeks Pregnant: Your Baby’s Development
This week, your baby’s facial features are still moving into position, and the little ears are sitting low on each side of the head. Not only that: your little one’s hair pattern is also forming, along with some early hair growth. Of course, every baby develops differently! Some are born with a full head of hair, others are bald for their first few months of life. All babies will develop a layer of soft, downy hair called lanugo, which may be growing this week and will soon start to cover your baby’s body. Thin, translucent skin covers blood vessels that are now moving up to 100 pints of blood every day, thanks to the pumping of your baby’s developing heart. You may not feel it yet, but your little gymnast is becoming more active this week, moving, turning, and rolling around in the amniotic sac. Read more about when you will feel your baby move.
The Size of the Fetus at 15 Weeks Pregnant
Now that you’re 15 weeks pregnant, your fetus is about the size of a grapefruit. Get a closer look at what’s happening in your belly by checking out the illustration below.

Mom’s Body at 15 Weeks Pregnant
Although every mom-to-be is unique, it’s not unusual for the bump to start showing some time between 13 and 16 weeks of pregnancy. If you’re ready to share the news of your pregnancy with the world, you might be happy to have the bump to “show and tell” with, but if you’re wanting to keep things under wraps for a little while longer you may need to grab some oversized shirts or jumpers to buy you some time. In other news: Many moms-to-be report feeling less tired and more energized at this point in the pregnancy. If you’re experiencing this extra oomph of energy, enjoy it! Get some exercise, look into childbirth classes, find local parents’ groups, or start planning your baby’s room. What’s your nursery style, anyway?
15 Weeks Pregnant: Your Symptoms
At 15 weeks pregnant, here are some of the symptoms you may be experiencing:
Swollen feet and legs. One symptom that may crop up is edema, a type of swelling that may occur in your feet, lower legs, or even hands and arms, with swollen feet and ankles being among the most common. Edema occurs when your body retains fluid, which can happen during pregnancy. Swollen feet may also be caused by the hormone relaxin, which causes the ligaments in the feet to loosen and the bones to spread. To help reduce some of the swelling, you could try soaking your feet in a cool foot bath and elevating them whenever possible.
Swollen, bleeding gums. Red, swollen gums that feel sensitive and tend to bleed when you brush and floss may be caused by pregnancy hormones that increase the likelihood of inflammation and gum disease, such as gingivitis. Such gum diseases have been linked to an increased risk of preterm birth. The good news is you can help alleviate any discomfort and irritation by rinsing with salt water and brushing with a softer-bristled toothbrush. You should also speak to your dentist for expert advice on what to do. Just don’t abandon your regular dental care routine of brushing and flossing daily and visiting your dentist every six months.
Nasal congestion. If you feel as if your nose is constantly stuffy or if you suffer from nosebleeds, you might be able to blame these symptoms on pregnancy hormones, which cause the mucous membranes in your nose to swell and dry out. Make sure you stay hydrated and try saline nasal drops for relief.
Lower back pain. If you’re feeling lower back pain at 15 weeks pregnant, you’re not alone — many pregnant women experience this symptom. Practicing good posture can help, and so can wearing low-heeled shoes with good support. Moderate exercise that strengthens your back muscles can also prevent or alleviate lower back pain.
Weight gain. With any luck, morning sickness is behind you now. Your appetite may have returned, and you may start putting on a little more weight. Your little one is growing, and at 15 weeks pregnant your belly may start to appear more prominent.
“Pregnancy brain.” Feeling more forgetful lately? This could be thanks to hormonal changes, lack of sleep, or even stress. Experts don’t yet know whether pregnancy has a real impact on your memory and mental sharpness, but if you feel more scatterbrained than usually, just know that many other moms-to-be feel the same way. Try using your tablet or smartphone to stay organized with lists and reminders. Read more about whether pregnancy brain is fact or fiction and what you can do to keep yourself organized.
Spider veins. As pregnancy leads to changes in your circulation and increased blood volume, you may start to notice thin, red veins under the skin of your face or legs. Regular exercise and elevating your feet whenever possible can help improve your circulation and reduce your chances of getting spider veins, which usually fade after you give birth.
Urinary tract infections. Pregnancy can make you more prone to UTIs. If you experience any pain when you pee, a strong urge to pee immediately, a fever, or back pain, let your healthcare provider know right away. Your provider may prescribe you antibiotics to help prevent a more serious bladder or kidney infection.
15 Weeks Pregnant: Things to Consider
The best way to keep your energy levels up and help tone your muscles is through mild exercise like walking, swimming, or yoga. Just make sure your healthcare provider gives you the OK before starting a new exercise routine. Walking is a great choice, because it’s low-impact, and you can motivate yourself by walking with a friend or family member as a nice outing. Consider using an app or another kind of tracking device that can show you how active you are on a daily basis
Have you given any thought yet to where you will give birth? Experts consider hospitals and accredited birth centers to be the safest, but you can learn more about your options from your healthcare provider. Once you’ve settled on where, you might be able to arrange a tour of the hospital or birthing center before you give birth. You should also use the second trimester to find out what other labor and delivery choices are available to you. For example, what comfort measures can you take advantage of, and who can be with you during labor and delivery.
Now your little one is starting to hear sounds, it might be fun to spend a bit of time every day listening to your favorite music together. Listening to music is also one of the many ways to relax and lower your stress levels during pregnancy.
For most moms-to-be sex can be perfectly safe during pregnancy. Keep the lines of communication open with your partner, and speak to your healthcare provider if you have questions about sex during pregnancy. Keep in mind, it’s natural for you or your partner’s sex drive to be different during pregnancy, and it can even ebb and flow as you move through pregnancy. For you as the mom-to-be it can be influenced by things like pregnancy hormones, your growing belly, your feelings about all the changes taking place, and any pregnancy symptoms you may be experiencing.
15 Weeks Pregnant: Ask Your Doctor
Are dizzy spells normal? What can you do about them?
What are the risks and benefits of any genetic tests that may be offered during the second trimester?
Do you recommend amniocentesis?
Is it safe to have an X-ray at your next dental appointment?
Do you have any tips to help manage stress?
15 Weeks Pregnant: Your Checklist
Start researching newborn essentials and preparing your baby shower registry. Download our registry checklist so you don’t miss something.
Ask your healthcare provider what your options are for places to give birth. Your choices may depend on what’s available in your area and what your health insurance covers, if you have it.
If you work, investigate your maternity leave options, including how much time is available to you and how much of it might be paid. You still have several months to go, but it’s helpful to plan ahead.
Discover what’s in-store for the rest of your pregnancy in our trimester-by-trimester guide.